
Growth and Safety

We are proud to support the following non-profit cycling organizations and their efforts to grow opportunities and make the sport safer for cyclists of all ages and types. We believe we can make a difference in making cycling better for all of us.

League of American Bicyclists

For generations past and to come, The League represents bicyclists in the movement to create safer streets, stronger communities and a Bicycle Friendly America. Through information, advocacy and promotion, we work to celebrate and preserve the freedom cycling brings to riders everywhere. The League is America's independent bicycle advocacy organization, built by bicyclists, for bicyclists.

People For Bikes

PeopleForBikes makes riding better for everyone by building infrastructure and programs that enable great riding experiences. We partner with millions of individual riders, businesses, community leaders and elected officials to create a powerful, united voice for bicycling and its benefits. We are casual riders, weekend warriors, pro athletes and commuters.

Adventure Cycling

As a nonprofit organization, Adventure Cycling Association's mission is to inspire, empower and connect people to travel by bicycle. Established in 1973 as Bikecentennial, Adventure Cycling is the premier bicycle-travel organization in North America with more than 40 years of experience and 52,000 members.


The National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA) has represented specialty bicycle dealers in the United States since 1946. The non-profit association offers numerous programs for dealers, with an emphasis on leading retailers to excellence through education, research, communication and advocacy. Some of its programs include: Profitability Project (P2), a Mastermind group for bicycle shop owners, the America’s Best Bike Shops credentialing program and mechanics’ training through Barnett’s Bicycle Institute.

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